Scottish Informals Summer Dinner: Glasgow

The Scottish Informals first ever Summer Dinner has now been booked for 26 June 2015! The details are as follows

Location: Soho on Miller Street (

Time: 7pm

Followed by drinks at location TBC.

Assuming we meet the CIPA Informals criteria of having attendees from at least 2 firms (currently the case), we’ll be covering the cost of 2 or 3 courses and a drink at the restaurant. The menu can be found here:

If you haven’t yet been in touch and want to come along, please drop me an email at

Published by The Yellow Sheet

The official blog of the Informals (the informal association of CIPA Student Members), containing news on forthcoming Informals events, "Wacky Patents", and other intellectual-property-related whimsy.

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The Official Blog of the Informals Committee

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The Official Blog of the Informals Committee


The Official Blog of the Informals Committee

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The Official Blog of the Informals Committee