Informals Advanced Lectures – Have your say!

Hi All,

As you may know, each year the Informals arrange lectures for trainees sitting their EQEs and UK finals.

We are currently in the process of deciding which lectures it would be useful to put on this year, and how these lectures should be held (e.g. in-person/hybrid/online).

To help us provide the best lectures possible, in the format that suits the most people, we’re asking trainees to share their opinions in the survey linked below:

The survey will close on 15th November – so please get your thoughts to us by then.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Published by The Yellow Sheet

The official blog of the Informals (the informal association of CIPA Student Members), containing news on forthcoming Informals events, "Wacky Patents", and other intellectual-property-related whimsy.

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The Official Blog of the Informals Committee