IP Inclusive event next week: “Beyond the lanyard”

The importance of allyship is a constant theme across the varying contexts of inclusivity. At its most basic, it is the quality of supporting others who may be treated unfairly as part of marginalised groups.

But what does this mean in reality, and what does it look like?

In this panel event, IP Inclusive and Gowling WLG will explore what good allyship to LGBTQIA+ people looks like in practice, beyond the rainbow lanyards and badges. There will be the opportunity for Q&A as part of the event.

Refreshments will be provided.

For more details and to sign up, click here.

Published by The Yellow Sheet

The official blog of the Informals (the informal association of CIPA Student Members), containing news on forthcoming Informals events, "Wacky Patents", and other intellectual-property-related whimsy.

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